Monthly update – CASASC Connections – February

Welcome back and to CASASC Connections. This is a space where we provide updates on our services, programs and all things CASASC for the month of February 2023.


Volunteer Opportunities

If you are interested in either of the volunteer opportunities below email Erin at for more information

  1. 24/7 Sexual Violence Help Line Volunteers – We are looking for volunteers who can take one or two shifts a month on the phone, text or webchat functions of our helpline. Shifts are virtual/remote.
  2. Event volunteers – Our second annual Ride for Respect event is coming up on July 29th and we will be needing event volunteers to support various functions during the day.


24/7 Sexual Violence Help Line


Call, text or webchat – We provide 24/7 confidential and anonymous support and a friendly conversation with the end goal being information, support and referrals.


Pink Shirt Day – February 22

Pink Shirt Day is coming up on February 22nd. This is a day to celebrate the bullying prevention initiatives schools, communities and students do all year.

CASASC would like to offer our support to schools and community by providing a FREE document of Pink Shirt Day activities for all ages.

Click the link below to access the Pink Shirt Day activity package and colouring pages which will allow you to engage your schools and community with bullying prevention themed activities and opportunities throughout the month of February. Have your efforts this month come together on Pink Shirt Day, February 22nd or another day of your choosing.

Primary prevention is a passion here at CASASC which includes bullying behaviour prevention education. Please take this Pink Shirt Day document as our way of supporting all our Central Alberta communities, schools and students in their efforts to continue building healthy relationships and safe environments. We are here for you, we support you, we care.

Pink Shirt Day package


You are invited – February 24 – Rebels Community Booth

Join us on Friday, February 24th as we celebrate Pink Shirt Day and bullying prevention at the Red Deer Rebels home game. Stop by our booth at the Community Corner to get your tickets for some great items like our 4ft Stuffed Unicorn Ressie.

Wear something pink for a free sticker and one free entry into a kids colouring package prize draw.


Registration Now Open – Engagement Strategies Towards Ending Workplace Sexual Harassment 3-hr Workshop

Looking for ways to support and strengthen your team in 2023 and beyond? We have just what you need.

Research shows that positive workplace cultures lead to healthier, safer, happier, and more productive teams—and help prevent sexual harassment.

Come learn with us on February 23rd or April 14th as we lead you and your staff through an innovative, online workshop that teaches skills that help you understand, respond to, and prevent sexual harassment.

This isn’t your average ant-harassment training.

  • 3 hours, 100% online
  • Mics + webcams off
  • Innovative + research backed
  • Teaches skills that help you understand, respond to and prevent sexual harassment

COST: $75/person or $50/person for #momentsmatter campaign partners. Find out how to become a campaign partner for free here

An additional 20% discount can be given to groups of 10 or more. To learn more and to register email or visit here


CASASC + Survivors of sexual violence in Alberta need your help

CASASC has joined the AASAS membership in a call to action to the Provincial Government for increased funding. This campaign is called #SupportSurvivorsAB. We need your help in getting the message out.

1.8 million Albertans have experienced sexual violence in their lifetime. After finding the courage to disclose their experience, survivors are currently waiting more than one year for specialized counselling.

Help us help millions of Albertans by contacting your MLA–tell them sustainably funding specialized sexual assault support services is a PRIORITY. Survivors found the courage to tell; they shouldn’t have to wait a year for support.

Find more resources including the MLA letter template here


Virtual Learning Series

*NEW* Foundations of Consent and Healthy Relationships (45min)

March 1, 11:00am-12:00pm & 3:00-4:00pm MST

What happens on a 24/7 Sexual Violence Helpline (45min)

Feb 7 @ 6:00-6:45 pm MST

“Ask an Expert” Parenting & Sexualized Behaviour Support (60min)

Feb 23 @ 4:00-5:00pm MST

Services & Programs at CASASC (30 min)

Feb 6, 3:30-4:00 pm MST

Introduction to Sexual Violence (60 min)

Feb 23, 2:00-3:00pm MST

Supporting Disclosures (45 min)

Feb 27, 9:30-10:15 am MST


Bottle Drive Feb 13-16

On the week of February 13 -16, bring your bottles and cans to the CASASC main office to donate directly to our organization.

We have a pickup scheduled with Skip the Depot on Feb 17, so it’s as easy as saving your cans and bottles over the next few weeks and dropping them off to us.

We have limited storage space so please bring your bottles to us within the week (Feb 13-16). We will have late drop off availability on Feb 16 until 8 p.m. to make it make drop off more accessible for those who can’t get to us during our regular hours.

Find more details here


Second Annual Ride for Respect – July 29, 2023

Our 2nd annual Ride for Respect event is happening on July 29th. Make sure to block your calendars.

More details about the event to be released in the coming months.

Sponsorship, silent auction, volunteer and vendor support opportunities are available – ask us about it