Monthly update – CASASC Connections – October
Welcome back to CASASC Connections. This is a space where we provide updates on our services, programs and all things CASASC for the month of October.
Need for online + virtual volunteers – email
We are in need of volunteers to join our 24/7 help line, with shifts on phone call and text/web chat.
We are looking for minimum of five volunteers who can take one or two shifts a month with our helpline. Evening and weekend support is a bonus.
Using an eight-hour shift-based schedule the help line volunteers provide a listening ear, supportive conversation and resource referrals to children, youth and adults who are in need of support. Previous education and training are not needed. Seeking respectful, caring and supportive individuals.
Community Connections
October 20, Consent Booth @ RD Polytech
If you are aware of any community events or booths (across Central Alberta) that we could attend throughout the year please share with us at
Our booths and presence at events is informative and awareness based, educational, interactive and applicable for all audiences and ages. We do not talk about sexual health or sex education and can adapt our messaging to need topics or programs and services.
November is Family Violence Prevention Month
In Alberta, November is Family Violence Prevention Month (FVPM). The goal of FVPM is to raise public awareness around family violence and to educate communities on how to prevent it. Use the colour purple to show your support all month long.
Stay tuned as CASASC and many of our partner and like-minded service organizations will be sharing and inviting you to take part in events, campaigns and initiatives throughout the month.
Day of Action – Purple Shirt Day – Mark your calendars for NOVEMBER 25 – as we wear purple and celebrate a Family Violence Prevention Day of Action with our community.
Online Learning Series
Is there a topic you’re interested in learning more about that we don’t currently have available? Let us know what interests you.
What happens on a 24/7 Sexual Violence Helpline (45 min)
Tue, Oct 25 @ 6-6:45 p.m. MST
Visit the link for session dates and times and to register:
Ask the Expert – Parenting and Sexualized Behaviour Support Virtual Session (September 26)
Friday, October 28 @ 4 – 5 p.m. MST
Visit the link for session dates and times and to register:
Services + Programs at CASASC (30 min)
Wednesday, October 19 @ 9 a.m.
Introduction to Sexual Violence (60 min)
Friday, October 14 @ 1p.m.
Supporting Disclosures (45 min)
Wednesday, October 26 @ 2 p.m.
Consent 101 (60 min)
Wednesday, October 12 @ 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.
Let’s connect
Follow us on our social pages to stay updated with what we are up to
- TikTok @CASASC5
- Twitter @CASASC2
- Facebook @CASASCRD
- Instagram @CASASC3
First Responder to Sexual Assault and Abuse Training
This comprehensive training is intended to build the capacity of professionals, paraprofessionals and community members to respond effectively to disclosure of sexual abuse, assault, and harassment from children and adults. Training covers the full continuum of topics related to sexual violence across the lifespan. Delivered online or in-person.
For more information and current training dates visit here
*Community training opportunities available with local facilitators. Can’t make the pre-scheduled training dates, reach out and book a special training for your organization and/or community.
Only Yes Mean Yes Consent Campaign
OYMY changes how we look at and understand consent. It focuses on positive consent in which only affirmative consent matters.
Read more about the poster campaign and how to get involved here
Research shows that a caring + inclusive workplace culture is an important defense against sexual harassment.
That’s why we’ve partnered with the #momentsmatterab campaign. Learn more here
Programs + Services
24 Hour Sexual Violence Help Line
Available through phone, text or webchat – We provide 24/7 confidential and anonymous support and a friendly conversation with the end goal being information, support and referrals.
Counselling can be accessed Monday – Friday and does not require a referral or special circumstances. Individuals can call the main office to start their counselling journey anytime at 403-340-1124.
- Sessions are offered in-person, through secure video chat or by phone
- Waitlist is approximately two months
- We have a session cap of 15 sessions
- One-on-one and group counselling
- Sexualized Behaviour Support counselling
Adult clients: Call the main admin line. An intake appointment will be booked with our Intake Worker, then you will be set up with a counsellor.
Child/youth clients: We will need to ensure consent forms are in place (both parents or legal documentation) and the same process will happen – an intake appointment is booked, followed by appointments with one of the child counsellors.
Kinship Intervention Program (KIP)
KIP offers a combination of early intervention practices and a community-based approach, integrating anyone in the youth’s support network or community
Available to any Indigenous youth (age 6 -17) who exhibits sexualized behaviour concerns or engages in “sexual acting out” or who has experienced sexual violence. The program works collaboratively with the youth’s family and elders.
KIP builds relationships throughout Central Alberta with both Indigenous and non-Indigenous service providers and communities. We can provide in-person mental health services for Indigenous youth and adults, including crisis intervention and remote counselling services.
KIP information and community connection sessions are available by request. Email us to learn more.
Police, Community + Court Support
For more info email
The CASASC Police, Community + Court Support program is your safe place. We are dedicated to being that place where you work through your options, navigate the system, and process a traumatic experience. Our support workers are here to listen and support you while you are considering or navigating the criminal justice system. We are advocates and sources of information for you – that safe guiding presence throughout the process.
The Community + Court Support Program is available to anyone (age 16+) who has experienced sexual violence. You’d don’t need to be an existing CASASC counselling client.
No matter where you are in your healing journey, or whether you choose to report, the Police, Community + Court Support Program is here to provide:
- Support, information, and advocacy. No legal services or advice is provided
- Can discuss options for legal advice and provide resources and referrals
- Information about reporting, the court process and court preparation
- Accompaniment to report and/or court proceedings
- Assistance with filling out forms and applications
*Ask us about the SUPPORTIVE REPORTING option
Education – Prevention and Awareness
Email to inquire or for booking details. Now booking in schools and community groups across Central Alberta.
No Secrets (K-4): Two 35 min sessions. Topics on public vs private, personal body safety, what is safe vs unsafe, and how to ask for help from a student’s personal safety network.
iRespect MYSELF (Recommended Grades 5/6 and deliverable to Grades 4 and 7 upon further discussion): One 60 min session. Topics on personal safety rules, boundaries, self-esteem, communication, permission, labels and stereotypes, and diversity.
iRespect US 1 (Recommended Grades 5-7 and deliverable to Grade 8 upon further discussion): One 60 min session. Topics on communication, healthy peer relationships, healthy schools, conflict resolution, and personal power.
iRespect US 2 (Recommended Grades 5-7 and deliverable to Grade 8 upon further discussion): One 60 min session. Topics on personal power, bullying behaviors, cyberbullying, teasing, empathy, and the impacts of bullying behavior in schools.
Healthy Dating Relationships 101 (Recommended Grades 8-12 and deliverable to Grade 7 upon further discussion): One 60-90 min presentation educates students on healthy relationships, communication, conflict resolution, consent, consent laws, dating violence (physical, emotional, sexual), sexting, and sexting laws.