“By promoting respect for others, you promote respect for yourself which is the most important.”
There are many ways to show your respect and support of this campaign. Individuals from around the world have joined this movement to focus on respect. You can participate by creating your own #iRespect sign. Take action by telling us how you show respect in your day-to-day life. Snap a selfie with this sign and submit to or share with us on our social media pages.
Colour along with Ressie the Respect Unicorn. Complete one of the colouring pages and share back with us your artwork at or on our social media accounts.
Take a picture of you with your sign! Tag the photo, share the post and invite your friends and family to participate. We LOVE seeing your pictures!
Remember to use the hashtags #iRespect, #SVAM and #Cultureofrespect !
Respect Day or the SVAM Day of Action is an annual celebration held in the month of May and Sexual Violence Awareness Month. It is a community celebration where the focus is placed on creating a culture of respect in our day-to-day lives in Central Alberta. This year Respect Day and SVAM day of action is on Friday, May 26. Check the news section of website for more info.
Get your FREE copy of our Sexual Violence Awareness Month community and school resource package here.
A list of age appropriate activities and initiatives to support a proactive and respectful approach to preventing sexual violence.
Use the package to plan your month and join us in celebrating all our awareness efforts on May 26.
Listen to a respect and empowerment playlist curated by CASASC staff.
Listen to the playlist on Spotify
The #iRespect campaign has a signature t-shirt associated with the campaign. You may see the MADE TO RESPECT t-shirts worn out in the community. T-shirts are available for purchase at the main office and at various events. Get yours today to support CASASC and our efforts to reduce the impacts of Sexual Violence in our communities.