Pink Shirt Day 2023

Pink Shirt Day is coming up on February 22. This is a day to celebrate the bullying prevention initiatives schools, communities and students do all year.

CASASC would like to offer our support to schools and community by providing a free document of Pink Shirt Day activities, inspiration and colouring pages.

Click the links below to access the Pink Shirt Day Resource Package and colouring pages which will allow you to engage students in all grades with bullying prevention-themed activities and opportunities throughout the month of February. Have your efforts this month come together on Pink Shirt Day or another day of your choosing.

Primary prevention is a passion here at CASASC which includes bullying behaviour prevention education. Please take this Pink Shirt Day document as our way of supporting all our Central Alberta communities, schools and students in their efforts to continue building healthy relationships, students and schools. We are here for you, we support you, we care.


Pink Shirt Day Resource Package


Colouring Pages


You are invited – Red Deer Rebels Community Corner

Join us on Friday, February 24 as we celebrate Pink Shirt Day and bullying prevention at the Red Deer Rebels home game. Stop by our booth in Community Corner to get your tickets for some great items like our “giant” stuffed unicorn Ressie.

Weare something pink for a free sticker and one free entry for a kids colouring package prize draw.

Make sure to share your pink initiatives with us on Twitter or Instagram. We’d love to celebrate with you.

Twitter: @CASASC2

Instagram: @CASASC3