How the Crisis Centre helped me
From my perspective, this place has been a literal life-saving source of support, and a safe place to come when I was in desperate need of someone to talk to. It has been a place where I could consistently meet with one staff member, and establish a very meaningful and trusting relationship to help me work through the devastating experiences I have been through.
The Crisis Centre has offered crucial services not only to me, but to many others in need of its specialized services for victims of sexual assault. The help and amazing support I have received, I have become a much different and stronger person today then I was when I first walked through its doors. I truly believe the healing I have accomplished has only been possible because of what the Crisis Centre has offered to me. And I cannot emphasize enough how much this place, its services, and its staff have meant to me in my own personal journey of recovery.
I know that I am not alone. Sadly, there are many, many other victims out there who have needed and will continue to need the Crisis Centre. These victims and their families need this service. I believe it’s vital that they continue to have access to a service that provides such essential support through the trauma and healing process. I have found the help I have received to be compassionate, non-judgmental, and of utmost quality. And l feel that others deserve the same level of caring support that I have received. I hope to see the Crisis Centre operating for many years to come, because I know that its services will continue to be needed, and it would be a terrible loss for victims and the community to no longer have this place to turn to.
For myself, I imagine a much worse outcome, if I had not been able come here, and slowly work through what had happened to me. Some very serious and possibly tragic repercussions could easily have occurred. But instead I am here today voicing my belief in how essential it is for the Crisis Centre to remain open and available for victims of sexual assault. I believe it fulfills a very real need in the community, and that others deserve to have the same service that I have received when they need it most. It makes a difference. For me it has made a huge difference. I’m a single mother, who is now a successful nursing student, a happier person than l once was, and hopefully a better mother to my children. The Crisis Centre has played a role in that, by helping me through some really horrible experiences, and offering so much support and encouragement, as well as validation! Because of that l am where I am today. I’m incredibly grateful, and l wish to do whatever I can to ensure that these services are available to others. One day when I am finished school, I hope to offer financial support as well, because I truly believe in what the Crisis Centre stands for and what it offers to those seeking its services.